I love making risotto, especially when one batch can yield multiple meals’ worth of delicious leftovers, but sometimes I get a hankering for some crispy, crumbly CRUNCHINESS after having creamy risotto for a few meals. These arancini, a street food originating from Sicily, are fried rice balls stuffed with gobs of mozzarella and other delicious fillings. Traditionally, you would also stuff them with peas or meat, but my leftover risotto had peas in it already. Next time I want to combine roasted red pepper and cooked mushrooms!



15 min


8-15 min


23-30 min

A leftover serving size of saffron risotto yields about 5 arancini


This batch was made with 1 serving of leftover saffron risotto and bufala mozzarella, but it works well with Miyoko’s dairy-free, cashew based mozzarella alternative. The following batter ratios are based on using a bit over 1 cup of risotto.

  • 1⁄3 cup (~50 g) flour (pasta grade or all purpose)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp water
  • at least 23 cup fresh Italian breadcrumbs (~79 g)
  • oil suitable for frying (think high smoke points, canola, avocado…NOT extra virgin olive oil)
  • black pepper to taste



    1. Using your hands or back of a fork, mash the risotto into a paste. If making into a ball, I recommend using a chunk of mozzarella about the size of a large raspberry. Next, roll risotto paste around it so that it is bigger than a golf ball but smaller than a tennis ball.


    2. For a batter, whisk 1 egg with 1⁄3 cup all purpose or pasta flour, pouring in about 2 tablespoons of cold water. Sprinkle in a few dashes of cracked pepper. For the breading, mix 23 cup of breadcrumbs in a separate bowl with some black pepper. Parsley, fresh or dried, is a safe bet!

    3. Submerge each rice ball in the liquid batter, then toss in the breadcrumb mixture so that it is fully coated.

  • TO FRY:

    4. Heat up a deep fryer, wok, or deep saucepan for a few minutes before adding a frying oil of your choice. If pan frying, make sure the oil sits at least halfway up the highest side of your arancini. Heat the oil to a medium-high range. After it’s started heating up, flick a breadcrumb chunk into the oil; once it starts to sizzle, that’s when the oil will be ready for the food. If using a deep fryer or wok, submerge and fry the arancini for 8 minutes. Fry the balls on each side for 6-8 minutes if you need to pan fry. 

    Remove them from the oil and blot atop paper towels. Slice 1 lemon into wedges and drizzle the juice over the arancini. Enjoy with marinara sauce or a spicy red sauce with Calabrian chilies.

Arancini or Arancine? 

Sicilian, a minority romance language, follows different grammatical and vocabulary rules than Standard Italian taught internationally.  Debates persist within not just Italy, but Sicily itself, whether the proper plural of these rice balls should be arancine or arancini. Furthermore, people can’t even agree on the singular noun, and some people make their rice balls with conical shapes over spherical ones! Those devoted to the “arancine” plural (arancina singular) cite that since the rice balls look like small oranges, called arance (arancia in the singular), this is most consistent form. Fans of the “arancini” plural (more recognized globally) disagree.

comic about different spellings and shapes of arancine

Note: While using wheat-based products is more authentic, you can make these gluten-free by substituting in a good gluten-free flour that isn’t too dry or grainy. Coconut and regular rice flour (not sweet rice flour) might be too dry. I would recommend making breadcrumbs from a gluten free bread or finding Italian style gluten-free breadcrumbs over using panko breadcrumbs, since they change the texture quite a bit from the more authentic style. However, that may not bother you; I still love panko with many other dishes! If all you have handy are panko breadcrumbs, I recommend processing them as finely as possible.


Number of Servings: at least 5
Fiber: 1.81 g
Carbs: 24.14

Calories per Serving: 182.3 kcal
Sugar: 1.77 g
Protein: 6.52 g

Weight per Serving: 92 g
Fats: 6.33 g
Iron: 1.24 mg

All servings and nutritional measurements are approximate. These estimates are intended for information and guidance purposes only. Please consult a licensed nutrition or medical professional if you need assistance. 

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