Throughout my childhood in hot Georgia summers, it was always a good time when my mom made her version of this cilantro bean dip. Upon moving out, I began making this to serve to friends and enhance different meals like tacos, southwestern salads, burrito bowls, grilled white fish, and more.  When I’ve been in Georgia during peach season, I add diced fresh peaches to this dip; after living in Florida, I love the tropical juiciness from mango!

I always roast the garlic and pepper for the dip because (1) I cannot eat them raw and (2) it makes the flavors more complex, but you may choose not to if you prefer them raw or are pressed for time. Since we serve it after chilling, the crisp balance of fresh, slightly earthy, sweet and spicy flavors zest up any lazy dog day.



30 min


At least 30 min


At least 1 hr

This fresh, zesty appetizer easily serves 4-8 people, but I’d estimate 4 full meals with rice or other carb pairings.


  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 large red, orange, or yellow bell pepper
  • 1 tsp regular olive oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tomato (3″ diameter)
  • 1 cup chopped cilantro
  • about ½ large green mango or 1 yellow mango*
  • 15 oz canned black beans
  • 1 cup sweet corn
  • 3 tbsp lime juice (fresh or bottled is fine)
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar


  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • ½ tsp chili powder


  • 2 scallions
  • ¼-½ tsp cayenne powder for some heat!

*1 large peach is a fine substitute as long as it isn’t overly ripe and mushy

If using fresh limes, add 1 tbsp of their zest to the dip along with some pulp! Organic citrus fruits are better options if you are consuming any part of the peel. Additionally, you can use cooked corn fresh off a cob, especially when you have lots of leftovers in the summer. Grilled corn adds some complex sweet and smoky flavors!


  • 1. If choosing to roast red peppers and garlic, start by preheating the oven to 400 F. Wash your produce. Dice the bell pepper and mince the garlic cloves. In a small, oven-safe dish, toss the garlic and bell pepper with 1 tsp olive oil, a few cracks of black pepper and ¼ tsp salt. Cook in the oven for 10 minutes.

    ***While the peppers and garlic cook***

  • 2. Dice the tomato. Chop enough cilantro, (or snip with clean kitchen scissors if you have them) to fill 1 cup. Peel and dice the mango (or peach). Thinly slice the scallions if using. Combine the chopped produce in a large mixing bowl (Roughly 10 minutes).

  • 3. If roasting the garlic and pepper, remove them out of the oven with the timer goes off. Set them in a spot to cool. Resume preparing ingredients for the dip. Pour in the canned black beans after draining the liquids. Stir in 1 cup sweet corn to the ingredients in the mixing bowl. Slice limes into wedges if using fresh lime juice (5 minutes)

  • 4. In a small bowl, combine the 1 tsp cumin, 1 tsp paprika, salt, ½ tsp chili powder, and ¼-½ tsp cayenne powder (if using). Shake them together, then drop in 3 tbsp lime juice and 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar. Quickly whisk everything together for 1 minute until well-emulsified. After ensuring that the cooked bell pepper and garlic have cooled, add them to the rest of the dip ingredients. Pour and toss the mixture of the liquids and spices with the dip, making sure everything is evenly incorporated.

  • 5. Like revenge, this dip is best served cold. Chill in the fridge at least 30 minutes before serving. It is extra delicious the day after preparation, since the flavors all marinate together.

This fresh, zesty appetizer easily serves 4-8 people, but I’d estimate 4 full meals. Enjoy it with your favorite chips, tossed with rice, or topped on tacos! We also recommend making burrito bowls using this cilantro bean dip, rice, chopped lettuce, roasted yucca/sweet potato cubes, your ideal protein, your ideal cheese…anything goes!


Number of Servings: 4
Fiber: 14.07 g
Carbs: 46.84 g

Calories per Serving: 233.34 kcal
Sugar: 11.90 g
Protein: 11.07 g

Weight per Serving: 284 g
Fats: 1.74 g
Iron: 3.62 mg

All servings and nutritional measurements are approximate. These estimates are intended for information and guidance purposes only. Please consult a licensed nutrition or medical professional if you need assistance. 

Gluten-Free and Vegan Disclaimer: All of the ingredients listed in this recipe are available in gluten-free and vegan versions. Please do your research and verify ingredient lists, as many products can have surprisingly hidden amounts of gluten that can impact those with Celiac Disease and gluten allergies. Likewise, vegans may need to verify if products contain hidden amounts of whey or animal derived ingredients.

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