These mini chocolate peanut butter cups make an easy dessert that you can whip up with ingredients often already in your home. They definitely scratch the itch (and impulse) to buy other brands. Furthermore, you can customize them with toppings, add spices like cinnamon or ginger to the filling, or even swap out your favorite nut or seed butters in case peanut butter just isn’t your jam.



10 min


30 min


40-45 min

Makes 24 mini peanut butter cups


  • ¼ cup (~60 g) peanut butter, ideally a brand without lots of added sugar
  • 2 tbsp confectioner’s sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • at least 12 oz vegan semisweet chocolate  (~340 g), in chips or broken into pieces


      Get creative here! Here are some suggestions of our favorite toppings:

  • 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • Sprinkles
  • Chopped almonds, pecans, or walnuts (raw or toasted)
  • Dried coconut flakes
  • Chopped up dried fruits, like dried strawberries
  • Finely chopped candied citrus peels
Get creative with toppings and fillings! I already made some candied orange peel, so I chopped up some to use as topping and as filling. Edible flowers, particularly the dried ones sold as baking supplies or in specialty grocers, can look striking as the topping!


  • 1.  Line a tray for miniature muffins with miniature cupcake liners.

  • 2. In a small, microwave safe bowl, combine ¼ cup peanut butter, 2 tbsp confectioner’s sugar, and ½ tsp vanilla. Stir together and microwave for 30 seconds, then stir again. Feel free to shake in some ground ginger or cinnamon (or even a splash of bourbon!) according to taste. You could also combine these on the stove over low heat, but microwaving saves time. Set aside.

  • 3. In another microwave safe bowl, prepare about a third of your melting chocolate according to brand recommendations. You can melt chocolate in the microwave, going in 30 second intervals with microwave set to 50% power. Avoid scorching at all costs. Drizzle the melted chocolate into the cup liners, gingerly going bit by bit so that you fill all the cups. (I usually go a little under 1 tsp at time; you can always go back and fill in more). (5 minutes to microwave melt and drizzle)

    Whether using bars of baker’s chocolate or chocolate chips, you can melt them using the double boiler method. For example, you can balance a heat proof/metal bowl (NO GLASS) over a saucepan. Fill the saucepan with about 1 inch of water, but make sure that even while boiling, the water will not raise up to the bowl’s base. When the water starts boiling, lower the heat and put the chocolate into the bowl. Stir gently but nonstop as the chocolate melts, remove it from the heat source when there are just a few lumps left. They’ll smooth out as you finish stirring.

  • 4. Next, spoon the peanut butter mixture into the center of the cups, going ¼-½ tsp at a time.

  • 5. Repeat step 3 with the remaining 2/3 of the melted chocolate. Spoon the melted chocolate into the cups, covering the peanut butter filling.

  • 6. OPTIONAL: If you wish, scatter the top of the melted chocolate with more toppings. Pumpkin seeds, chopped pistachios, orange or green dried fruit (mango, kiwis, tiny chopped or candied citrus peels).

  • 7.  Chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes or until firm. Enjoy!

Store at room temperature or in the fridge, depending on your preference and climate. These are tasty chopped up and stirred into oatmeal, ice cream, blended frozen bananas, or yogurt.


Number of Servings: 24
Fiber: 1.72 g
Carbs: 7.85 g

Calories per Serving: 104.16 kcal
Sugar: 4.32 g
Protein: 1.71 g

Weight per Serving: 17 g
Fats: 7.43 g
Iron: 1.75 mg

All servings and nutritional measurements are approximate and exclude optional toppings. These estimates are intended for information and guidance purposes only. Please consult a licensed nutrition or medical professional if you need assistance. 

Gluten-Free and Vegan Disclaimer: All of the ingredients listed in this recipe are available in gluten-free and vegan versions. Please do your research and verify ingredient lists, as many products can have surprisingly hidden amounts of gluten that can impact those with Celiac Disease and gluten allergies. Likewise, vegans may need to verify if products contain hidden amounts of whey or animal derived ingredients.

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