As far as I’m concerned, risotto is a quintessential comfort food, whether in its simplest form or specially seasoned. This recipe includes peas for extra fiber + protein and peppers for fiber + vitamin c, making a cozy, yet filling, composite meal.

Some wonderful Italian restaurants and talented home cooks serve risotto seasoned with saffron, which imparts a vibrantly Mediterranean flair. While traveling throughout Italy, I savored saffron risotto and sampled a spectacular saffron gelato at a small gelateria! Saffron can be pricey in North America, but I recommend trying a pinch in this recipe if possible.



5 min


35 min


40 min

Makes 5 servings, each a little under 1.25 heaping cups in volume.


  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large bell pepper (best if red, but orange or yellow work well)
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 cup arborio rice
  • 13 cup dry white or rosé wine
  • roughly 3.5 cups hot vegetable stock
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • ¼ cup chopped parsley


  • ¼ teaspoon saffron threads
  • ½ large yellow onion (if using, pair with a small-medium bell pepper).
  • Cheese: grated parmesan/grana padano/pecorino romano (around 3 tablespoons)
  • 2.5 tbsp butter/butter alternative**

**Miyoko’s makes my favorite vegan butter alternative that is good for spreading, baking, and does not include palm oil.

Before chopping the vegetables, set aside a small mug/bowl to steep 1/4 teaspoon of saffron threads in 3 tbsp of hot veggie stock. Add that vibrant yellow stock to the risotto after the wine absorbs. It will look amazingly colorful with the bell peppers and green peas!


  • 1. Clean your produce. Dice the pepper and mince the garlic cloves. Chop the parsley and set aside. In a large, shallow saucepan, heat the 3 tbsp olive oil. Sauté the pepper for 5 minutes on medium heat before adding in the garlic for 1 minute. (If you want even more robust flavor, dice ½ of a large yellow onion and cook it with a small-medium pepper! Just make sure the onion and pepper chunks are soft but not browned).

  • 2. Stir the rice and vegetables in oil for 3 minutes, making sure the rice is coated but does not burn.

  • 3. Add the 13 cup of wine; it should bubble until it is fully absorbed (about 1 minute). Pour in the saffron-broth mixture if using. Stir the risotto, and add two scoops of 13 cup broth, making sure the liquid absorbs. Continue adding broth to the risotto 2 scoops at a time. Make sure that you keep stirring the rice throughout the process—you don’t want the liquid to absorb so quickly that the rice sticks to the pan! You want to make sure the rice is cooked and creamy but still has a little bite to it, so you may not even use all the stock. This part takes me about 25 minutes at sea level.

  • 4. As your last scoop of broth absorbs, stir in the 1 cup frozen peas. This should be about 3 minutes before removing the pan from the heat.

  • 5. Take the pan off the heat. Add the butter, paprika, parsley, and cheese (if using) and stir for about 30 seconds until creamy. Season with salt and pepper according to taste.

Easily yields a filling dinner for two with plenty of leftovers, or a creamy side if you want to pair it with a lean entrée. It pairs nicely with salmon, lemon chicken, rapini or salad, a dry white/rosé wine, or a sparkling water with citrus.


Number of Servings: 5
Fiber: 3.5 g
Carbs: 39.2 g

Calories per Serving: 336 kcal
Sugar: 3.9 g
Protein: 6.8 g

Weight per Serving: 273 g
Fats: 16.4 g
Iron: 1.1 mg

All servings and nutritional measurements are approximate. These estimates are intended for information and guidance purposes only. Please consult a licensed nutrition or medical professional if you need assistance. 

Gluten-Free and Vegan Disclaimer: All of the ingredients listed in this recipe are available in gluten-free and vegan versions. Please do your research and verify ingredient lists, as many products can have surprisingly hidden amounts of gluten that can impact those with Celiac Disease and gluten allergies. Likewise, vegans may need to verify if products contain hidden amounts of whey or animal derived ingredients.

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